Sunday, March 21, 2021

HJCS Announcements

HJCS Announcements

Here are the latest Heights Jewish Center Synagogue announcements. To modify your email settings, use the links at the bottom of this email.

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A Message from your President

As we approach Pesach and the freedom this Holiday represents, some of you are wondering what plans to make for davening at HJCS. We have been very fortunate that our policy of following CDC guidelines – masking, distancing, and washing- have been successful in preventing anyone from contracting Covid 19 in our building. Going forward, we will continue to follow the guidelines of the Ohio department of health. This means that congregants and their visitors to Cleveland, whether vaccinated or not, should practice appropriate public health measures to slow the spread of COVID 19, such as wearing masks, practicing physical distancing (we have seats blocked off and marked for occupancy), and hand washing.

Please pay careful attention to the following in order that everyone feels safe and comfortable in shul:

-Anyone with known exposure to COVID 19 should not attend services (and should not travel at all).

-Anyone with symptoms typical of COVID 19 should not attend services.

As we review the impact of the last year of isolation, HJCS has experienced a major reduction to income, thru reduced rentals, sponsored events, and general reduction in member's ability to keep up with donations. When you receive your stimulus check, please think of HJCS when calculating your ma'aser.
14270 Cedar Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44121
(216) 382-1958
Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
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