Friday, December 15, 2023

HJC News - Parshas Mikeitz

Tonight, December 15th, at 8:15pm, we will continue with our Friday Night Oneg and learning series, open to the entire community.
Tonight we will be meeting at the home of Boris and Rachel Kagarlitskiy, 2254 Wrenford Rd. in University Hts.  (Located near Silsby and Belvoir Road)
We hope that this will enhance your Shabbos evening as we share insights into the weekly parsha, Chanukah, and world events.

Please share this with your friends and bring them too!

Shabbos Parshas...Mikeitz
English dates: Friday/SaturdayDecember 15-16
Candle-Lighting4:39 PM
Friday Mincha4:39 PM
Dr. Bela Glaser memorial Parsha Shiur8:30 AM
Shacharis9:00 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema 10:04 AM
Shiur4:00 PM
Shabbos Mincha4:30 PM
Maariv5:48 PM
Mincha the following Sunday-Thursday4:45 PM
Weekday Davening Times
Sunday, and Mondays Dec.25 and Jan.18:00 AM
Monday-Friday6:45 AM

The Fast of Asara B'Teves
FridayDecember 22
Fast Begins6:38 AM
Shacharis6:39 AM
Mincha-Maariv4:30 PM
Candle-Lighting4:42 PM
Fast Ends/Kiddush5:46 PM

Chanukah concludes this afternoon. Remember to add Al Hanissim to the Mincha Shemoneh Esrei. 

Here is the shul's page of my Chanukah Audio Classes:

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Hillel & Zahava Seltzer in commemoration of the yahrzeits of  Zahava's father, Gershon Adler - Hachaver Gershon ben Hachaver Gad Meir, and of Hillel's mother, Barbara Seltzer - Baila bas Harav Yekusiel Peretz.  I will speak about Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kohn, the Toldos Aharon Rebbe, whose yohrtzeit was on the 27th of Kislev. 
The band, Mekim↑, is back and has another free concert, at Milky Way restaurant, on December 16th, Motzoei Shabbos, 8:30pm to 10:00 pm to benefit Magen David Adom with inspirational modern Jewish music. Mekim↑ are Steve Baker, Joey Steiner, Andrew Byer and Zaki Setnik.

Please note that from today until late January, sunrise in Cleveland will be after 7:45am. This means that the earliest time to make brochos on Talis and Tefillin is after the starting time of our shul's weekday Shacharis.  

Classes that were postponed this week due to Chanukah resume this week. We look forward to seeing you there.

Please note that next Friday is Asara B'Teves, a fast day, with earlier times for both Shacharis and Mincha, as noted above, posted throughout the shul, and on the shul's website. The fast concludes with Kiddush at or after 5:46pm on Friday night.  For added insight on this day, here is a link to a short audio class I gave a few years ago:

This week, HJC will commemorate the yohrtzeits of the following people:
Israel Bialosky
Freda Beyer
Abraham Winikur
Adolph Buchler
William Lefshitz
Robert Goodrich
Ida Benjamin
Hermina Hoffman
Moses Scolnick
Albert Goldring
Robert Sherman
Morris Kugelman
Emanuel Miller
Anna Vogel
Milton Schwartz
Phillip Kurtz
Lillian Sass
Becky Bassichus
Isaac Goldman
Molly Feldman
Baila Rabiner
Rosa Gabel
Leah Gulko
Ethel Harris
Hyman Mishkind
Anna Ziskind
Jack Beer
Tzalic Herlin
Judith Fien
Rose Mintz
Rosa Cohen
Gladys Goldstein Ritzenberg


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
Heights Jewish Center
14270 Cedar Road
University Heights, OH 44121

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